Did it myself
Age 27, Male
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Joined on 10/19/08
I hate it. How do I get it off.
the power of George Bush is not a request plz ask later.
its bad.
U have just been spamed with 5000 messages your computer will now crashX_X
Pretty artistic.
Off Topic:Wow like the new look.
Dude, Thats just a circle with a hole in it, followed by an 8.
Lets see u make it.
i came because of it's beauty
Wow what a nice thing to say.
Off Topic:I am and idiot I deleted my tools to paint shit on my computer now what?
your movies suck!
I did not make them lol the collab one is not mine and the other one is well not mine as well Lordjames1:trailer arzsrt made.I just made the image in lordjames1:trailer.The other idk lol.So u do not make me sad in any way.Haha.
Whistle Status:Garbage I don't care lol I like the sweet look of the trash mwhahaha.
LOL nice
Give me my money now!
lol thats nice
U can go left or right which way?
Cheese Burger Dance!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
White Castle Dance!!!!!!!!!
*feels like killing you and the 8 ball*
I love u too^^
and IIIIIIIIIII helped!!!! (shake n bake)